Mots-Clés/Sommaire :

  • Heinrich Rohdenburg Memorial Symposium,
  • Geomoropholgy and soil conservation,
  • Impact of rainfall on sediment transport by sheetflow,
  • The response of soils to simulated rainfall along a climatological gradient in an arid and semi-arid region,
  • Reponse to rainfall simulation from scarcely vegetated and non-vegetated badlands,
  • The geomorphology of a gully wall,
  • Gully development on the Njemps flats (Kenya),
  • Modeling rainfall runoff relationship for bare soils affected by surface sealing,
  • A mathematical model to simulate rainfall erosion,
  • Sediment travel distance as an experimental and model variable in particulate movement,
  • Overland flow and soil erosion: some processes and their interactions,
  • Validation of the model System OPUS.



Catégorie d’archives : Erosion



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Type : livre

Auteur(s) : H. R. Bork,, J. De Ploey, et A. P. Schick

Date : 01/01/1991

Référence bibliographique :

Bork, H. R., J. De Ploey, et A. P. Schick, éd. Erosion, Transport, and Deposition Processes : Thoéries and Models. Catena Supplement 19. Catena Verlag, 1991.

Droits : Document soumis à copyright

Public(s) cible(s) :

  • techniciens

Contenu : Connaissance des phénomènes, théorie

Domaine(s) technique(s) :

  • agronomie et ruissellement/érosion