Article « Discharge Formulas for Subsurface Drainage of Retention Pond », par Yves Nédélec, Jean-François Ouvry, Hocine Henine et Julien Tournebize, paru au Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2010, volume 136(3)


Excessive runoff and its undesirable effects (erosion, siltation, and suspended load), as well as water quality degradation in agricultural landscapes, are recurrent concerns in France. Special sediment control or pollution mitigation basins can consist of agricultural fields simultaneously ponded and subsurface drained. After having identified convenient nondimensional parameters for system description, two hydraulic methods for flow modeling and empiric design formulas are presented in this technical note for the evaluation of adequate water filtration flow rates through such remediation devices, under given hydraulic head conditions. The first method is an analytical one with an infinite soil domain and the second is a numerical one limited to the vicinity of the ponded zone. For engineering purposes, discharge capacity is given as a function of the number of drains as well as drain spacing, radius, and depth.

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Type : article de revue

Auteur(s) : NÉDÉLEC, Yves, OUVRY, Jean-François, HENINE, Hocine et TOURNEBIZE, Julien

Date : 01/03/2010

Institution(s) / publication(s) :

  • Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Référence bibliographique :

NÉDÉLEC, Yves, OUVRY, Jean-François, HENINE, Hocine et TOURNEBIZE, Julien, 2010. Discharge Formulas for Subsurface Drainage of Retention Pond. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. mars 2010. Vol. 136, n° 3, pp. 210‑213. DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000151.

Droits : Document soumis à copyright

Public(s) cible(s) :

  • techniciens

Contenu : Connaissance des phénomènes, théorie

Domaine(s) technique(s) :

  • lutte contre les inondations (gestion quantitative des ruislts.)

Mots clés :

  • Ouvrage de lutte contre les inondations
  • barrage/digue
  • Conception / dimensionnement
  • Infiltration